Creative Writing Bootcamp

Words, ideas, characters, scenarios…. Do you constantly think about creating stories but not sure how to go about doing it? This course can definitely help! We will learn the ins and outs of creativ
0 classes available

Get Organised, Get Writing

Writers not only have to write – we juggle family and friends, other work commitments, promotional efforts, social media and running our own business, not to mention finding time to relax and refill
1 class available

Introduction to Travel Writing

This Travel Writing short course will teach you how to turn your ideas for travel stories into articles for magazines or websites. You will be shown how to spot publishing opportunities, how to genera
0 classes available

Novel Writing Bootcamp

Are you thinking about writing a novel but need help and guidance? Or have you finished writing and now don’t know what to do with your story? In this comprehensive course, we will define and discus
2 classes available

So You Want to Write a Novel?

If you’ve ever dreamed of writing a novel or are you currently writing one? Then this workshop is for you. Award-winning fiction author, Paula Roe, will not only cover the creative stuff (genre, plo
0 classes available

The Making of a Memoir

Everyone has a story to tell! Through targeted writing prompts, you will be guided to start recording your life story, to create a lasting memoir to share with your family and loved ones. In this cour
0 classes available

Writing a Romance Novel that Sells

Romantic fiction commands over 50% of mass market paperback sales worldwide, and a recent survey by HarperCollins ranks Penrith NSW as #1 for romance novel sales. Why is this genre so popular and what
1 class available

Writing Believable Characters

Strong, multi-faceted and complex characters drive successful popular fiction. If you’re writing or planning to write a novel, join an award-winning, multi-published fiction author to help you disco
1 class available

Writing First Chapters – How to Hook ‘em, How to Hold ‘em

Editors and agents will judge a story by that first chapter… often within the first three pages. So how can a writer hook their reader? In this hands-on workshop by an award-winner fiction autho
0 classes available