What is the SEE Program?
The Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program, funded by the Australian Government, provides support and training in language, literacy, numeracy and digital skills, giving you the skills you need to prepare for work or further study.
The SEE Program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations and is free to all eligible participants.
Eligibility criteria applies.

How will the SEE Program help you?
The SEE Program is designed to help all learners, whether from a non-English speaking background, as well as native English speakers, First Nations individuals, and anyone else in the community who needs support.
- Reading & Writing
- Oral Communication
- Numeracy skills
- Digital skills
- Confidence & Resilience
- Goal Setting
- Employability Skills
- Job Search skills
- Resumes & Cover Letters
- Interview Skills
- Personal & professional Presentation Skills
- Currently employed and needing to upskill
Where is the SEE Program offered?
The SEE Program is offered at the following Macquarie Community College campuses:
- Blacktown – Level 1/125 Main Street
- Mt Druitt – 55 Hythe Street
How do I get into the SEE Program?
To be eligible for the SEE Program, an individual must be:
- an Australian citizen OR
- a permanent visa holder OR
- on a provisional or temporary visa with working rights and eligible for the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) OR
- a Pacific Australian Labour Mobility (PALM) visa holder
and be:
- aged over 15 years and have left school
- assessed by a Provider as having LLND skill levels below Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF)/Digital Literacy Skills Framework (DLSF) exit Level 3
- deemed suitable for training without any barriers that would prevent successful participation.
To check whether you meet these eligibility criteria, please contact us on 02 9421 9404.
If you wish to enrol via a referral from your referring provider, such as your Workforce Australia consultant, you’ll also need to be registered as a job seeker. Your consultant can assist you with understanding if you qualify.
If you do not meet the above eligibility requirements for the SEE Program, there maybe other options for you to study with us! Contact Us for more information.
To enrol in a SEE Program course, follow these steps:
To enrol for Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program, you will need to confirm that you meet the Australian Government’s eligibility criteria.
- You can either apply directly to Macquarie Community College by completing the SEE registration appointment form below OR
- Obtain a referral from Centrelink or from your Workforce Australia Employment Service Provider who will then register you for the SEE Program (Please see Workforce Australia Employment Service Provider enrolment steps below).
- Attend your registration and/or pre training assessment appointment and bring along your photo ID and any relevant visas.
- Macquarie Community College will assess your eligibility, reading, writing and oral communication skills and talk to you about your goals for study or employment.
- Macquarie Community College will then enrol you in the most appropriate course!
If you are an Employment Service Provider, please follow these steps:
- Assess your clients suitability for the SEE Program.
- Register your participant via the ESS portal selecting Macquarie Community College and using one of the Activity IDs and Site Codes below.
- Blacktown – Level 1/125 Main Street | Activity ID – 100586427 | Site Code – S148
- Mt Druitt – 55 Hythe Street | Activity ID – 100586428 | Site Code – S168
- Please ask referred participants to bring along their photo ID and any relevant visas to the pre-training assessment booking.
- Call Macquarie Community College SEE Program on 02 9421 9404 to book the pre-training assessment for your participant.
- Macquarie Community College will assess your client’s reading, writing and oral communication skills and enrol them in the most appropriate course.
SEE Registration Appointment Form
Complaints and Appeals Process
If you have feedback or complaint please visit the student handbook here for more information.
*The Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.