Collaboration is an important value of Macquarie Community College. Recently, CEO Theresa Collignon, collaborated with local community organisations to discuss how we can, and do, support individuals from all walks of life to build community cohesion.
Stories about us
Putting the ‘community’ in community college!
Last term was a busy period for Macquarie Community College. We love being part of local community events and celebrating different cultures. Here’s a snapshot of what we got up to.
Seniors Week 2018 – Celebrating our Tech Savvy Seniors
Happy Seniors Week! Macquarie Community College strongly supports seniors in the community and has been providing affordable learning programs for seniors through the Tech Savvy Seniors program since 2013. Recently, our Tech Savvy Seniors students spoke to us about how our courses have been helping them feel empowered and removed the ‘fear factor’ associated with technology.
The Student Journey – Focussing on Continuous Improvement
At MCC, our students are the heart and soul of our College. Each day when we open our doors, we look forward to welcoming new and continuing students and joining them on their path to ‘realise their potential’. Whether it be upskilling or embarking on a new career, learning English language skills, improving their fitness or taking on a new hobby, the journey our students take at MCC is one that we are always seeking to continually improve. Read more about the various ways we are working on improving the student journey.
Term 2 Catalogue Out Now – Check Out Our Range of Short Courses!
Macquarie Community College’s Term 2 Catalogue is out now! We have loads of new courses available, plus all your old favourites are back! There’s hundreds of courses to choose from – check out the catalogue today.
MCC hosts City of Ryde Mayor, Jerome Laxale
MCC was pleased to host City of Ryde Mayor, Jerome Laxale, this week. Jerome met with the CEO and leadership team to discuss a deeper collaboration between Council and the College to meet the needs of individuals and organisations in the City of Ryde.
A message from the CEO about International Women’s Day
Today is International Women’s Day. At MCC we delight in empowering women to reach their full potential through participation in quality life-long learning. This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is RESPECT. This is also one of MCC’s core values.
Celebrating the Lunar New Year
Billions of people will be celebrating the Lunar New Year over the next couple of weeks. But what is the Lunar New Year and why is 2018 the Year of the Dog? Here’s what you need to know about this celebration.
CareerPathways That Led To Job Offers and Dreams Achieved – Part 2
8 out of 11 students who recently completed their CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support, received job offers in the Aged Care and Disability industry. Some of these job offers were as a direct result from their work placements during their studies at Macquarie Community College. Work placements are organised for students to gain real life work experience whilst studying.
Kick start your new year’s resolutions today!
Don’t delay in achieving your New Year’s resolutions. Use our helpful planner to kick start your goals today!