Stories about us

Seniors Week 2018 - Celebrating our Tech Savvy Seniors

Seniors Week 2018 – Celebrating our Tech Savvy Seniors

Happy Seniors Week! Macquarie Community College strongly supports seniors in the community and has been providing affordable learning programs for seniors through the Tech Savvy Seniors program since 2013. Recently, our Tech Savvy Seniors students spoke to us about how our courses have been helping them feel empowered and removed the ‘fear factor’ associated with technology.

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The Student Journey - Focussing on Continuous Improvement

The Student Journey – Focussing on Continuous Improvement

At MCC, our students are the heart and soul of our College. Each day when we open our doors, we look forward to welcoming new and continuing students and joining them on their path to ‘realise their potential’. Whether it be upskilling or embarking on a new career, learning English language skills, improving their fitness or taking on a new hobby, the journey our students take at MCC is one that we are always seeking to continually improve. Read more about the various ways we are working on improving the student journey.

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CareerPathways That Led To Job Offers and Dreams Achieved – Part 2

CareerPathways That Led To Job Offers and Dreams Achieved – Part 2

8 out of 11 students who recently completed their CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support, received job offers in the Aged Care and Disability industry. Some of these job offers were as a direct result from their work placements during their studies at Macquarie Community College. Work placements are organised for students to gain real life work experience whilst studying.

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