Learn better time management

Learn better time management

Do you manage your time or does your time manage you? We are all busy and have the same 24 hours in a day to do everything. But why does it feel that some people can accomplish so much more in a day, whilst others struggle to know where to start? Our Time Management coach, Christine Lee, has some great tips on how you can better manage your time and achieve more each day.

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3 Myths About Meditation

3 Myths About Meditation

Meditation is growing in its popularity but there are still several myths surrounding meditation that prevent people from enjoying its benefits. Guest blogger and Meditation Tutor, Katherine Pinczuk, summarises the 3 myths surrounding meditation – “I don’t”, “I can’t” and “I’m no good at it”.

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Seniors Week 2018 - Celebrating our Tech Savvy Seniors

Seniors Week 2018 – Celebrating our Tech Savvy Seniors

Happy Seniors Week! Macquarie Community College strongly supports seniors in the community and has been providing affordable learning programs for seniors through the Tech Savvy Seniors program since 2013. Recently, our Tech Savvy Seniors students spoke to us about how our courses have been helping them feel empowered and removed the ‘fear factor’ associated with technology.

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